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draw wire position sensor

Hello, friends! Learn about the draw wire position sensor You are in the right place! In this article, we, third graders of the class 2019 at ifm efector GmbH will together get to know the draw wire position sensor from our world look.

A draw wire position sensor is a device that allows you to see how far something moves. Wired to measure the lack of space between itself and what is being sensed. Imagine you have a toy car. For example-when move the car away from a spot, it can register exactly by draw wire position sensor how far you moved! The wire is attached to the thing (and if that thing moves, then so does something created by that), This allows the sensor to identify exactly how far an object has travelled and where it currently exists.

The Draw Wire Position Sensor Mechanism

This thing has a wire like we use in our hair or make bracelets! This wire is however very strong and are normally made of a material like steel or nylon so it doesn't have the tendency to snap easily. The wire we want to be strong because it has to function every time. The wire is wrapped around a spool in the sensor, similar to a miniature roll. The wire unwinds from the spool as the object moves, and this change in distance is measured by a sensor. Thus, the object moves and in turn wire unwinds allowing to sense how much distance it has crossed!

Why choose SOP draw wire position sensor?

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