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Linear string potentiometer

Often as in the case of a linear string potentiometer, it comes with a long and thin piece of the wire. The string is connected on, e side of the moving part in equipment and elbows. Resting it over pise that does not move at all. When the moving part moves along its track, it pulls on that string. Doing this, increases the length of the spring/ string and it allows us to determine how much distance has been covered by moving part. It's like a dark bar that is getting bigger and darker because the first piece of metal with infinite mass can be followed by all other pieces in this manner as if someone were to pull on one end of the fishing line (when you catch yourself).


So now on to how this tool tracks length. SOP linear sensor potentiometer does this by using voltage, and resistance. It serves as the energy to machines and other device, much like Electricity in voltage. It is the lifeblood keeping everything going! Resistance: This measures how much the string of wire can fight against and hence slow down the flow of electricity in it. It is the same when you try to push something heavy, it will require a lot of strength.

How a Linear String Potentiometer Measures Distance

The potentiometer detects the change in resistance as the string is moved. Every time resistance changes, it gives us an idea of how much the string has moved. Thus, every time you witness that loop being pulled and the potentiometer gets an idea of how much distance has been covered (just like a ruler which tells how far something has moved).


Linear string potentiometers: These are good in location applications when precise positioning is required. Factories, for instance can use them to aid machines and robots in aligning specific pieces together. This makes certain that the whole lot is put together easily, therefore assuring safe and efficient production of goods.

Why choose SOP Linear string potentiometer?

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