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magnetostrictive linear position sensor

We always get entertained by the toy car or robot which just moves smooth in different directions, have you ever thought how can it be possible? Ever wondered how these machines travel along their assigned guidelines as well as regulate beside a track? Welcome to the world of "magnetostrictive linear position sensors"! In fact, this incredible device is fundamental to ensuring that machines work with the right measure of precision and are used in providing solutions for a wide range of industrial applications right from automobiles till aircraft including inside the intricate workings within factories as well.

The Physics of Magnetostrictive Sensors

So what is this magnetostriction phenomenon and why does a material change size when it feels another magnet just next to itself? In a magnetostrictive linear position sensor, it is the metal rod that with stretches or contracts in response to a magnetic field that propagates along its length. This rod then sends a signal to a computer, that calculates the real position of what object you are watching with this senor.

Why choose SOP magnetostrictive linear position sensor?

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