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motor torque sensor

The work performed by motor torque sensors is a key element in the operation of machines. Torque: Torque is the force of rotation on a machine. The sensors correctly sense this force and send signals to the motor, so that the machine moves from there with a certain precision. Now, we will do a little deeper dive into the motor torque sensors and its application in different industries.

Advancements in Technology: Motor Torque Sensors Explained

A strain gauge (central to any motor torque sensor) Strain gauges, are basically small parts that deform when stressed from the outside. This discrepancy was very carefully measured and translated into an electrical signal that can change the motor's settings for peak efficiency.

Applications of Motor Torque Sensors A lot of industries including automotive industry, robotics, etc seem to be utilizing these motor torque sensors. These sensors are used to maintain the power of engines in automotive applications, and optimize robot movements by incorporating them into robotics. Moreover, they have huge importance in the field of industrial automation.

Why choose SOP motor torque sensor?

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