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Linear sensor potentiometer

When you need to measure accurately the linear position of an element in high-precision systems, a solution would be using sensor potentiometers. Using a resistive element, they change the resistance in different levels as we move their wiper. All this makes them very precise for measuring position. SOP linear Lvdt are used in applications such as robots, cars, medical devices and factories. This is where they come in as a handy and cheap tool to measure things: precisely control them.

Usage in Robots and Cars: Linear Sensor Potentiometers

These sensors are doing this in cars so that it can precisely control the operation of gas pedal, brakes and suspension. They are used to move robotic arms and other parts with precision in robots. This enabled robots to do jobs accurately. Why Positioning Is Everything. SOP linear potentiometer sensor are critical for many movement control systems. These are widely used in industries such as cars, airplanes, medical tools to accurately measure the position. This measures where objects are and how they move in a straight line, which is vital for precise work. They are ideal to design system that moves in one-direction/multiplex direction and need accurate measurement of position They have various sizes and levels of accuracy, allowing them to be used in a wide range of applications.

Why choose SOP Linear sensor potentiometer?

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