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String pot sensor

We have lots of tools to help us measure things in the world around us. A cool tool scientists, and engineers use is known as a SOP string pot sensor. Electrostatic Calipers make it easier for us to measure accurate and reliable distance. This article will cover why a SOP string pot sensor is advantageous, how string pot displacement sensor works and when you may be wise to use this effective form of displacement measurement in your application. 

A SOP string pot sensor, AKA draw wire encoder is a really awesome distance measuring device. It is used in many ways, from cars to robots and medical equipment. What is so great about the string pot sensor is that it can be very precise. It offers very high levels of accuracy when measuring distances, even as small as thousandths of a millimeter! This is to say that if you ever find yourself wondering how far away something may be, this tool can provide you with just the exact answer.

Discover the benefits of using a string pot sensor

The other good part of this sensor is that it works in so many different applications. It can measure linear or straight movements and rotational movements as related to movement about a center point. This linear string potentiometer means that it is useful for many jobs and tasks. It can also perform well in difficult conditions, such as outdoors and subjected to the elements or within manufacturing plants with machines at full throttle. 

So let us start with how a SOP string pot sensor works and actually the functioning of it. A SOP string pot sensor typically has a piece of great material attached to something we need to measure. The string is wounded up around a spool, which is basically something to hold the string and keep it together. One end of the spool is connected to a device and that position sensor measures changes in resistance. That figure is crucial because it measures how the string changes as you go back and forth.

Why choose SOP String pot sensor?

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